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Showing posts from April, 2020

Stay Safe From Coronavirus: Great Tips For Personal and Home Care!

The world is attacked by the worst of the viruses distinguished as the novel coronavirus or alternatively known as COVID-19. Everyone is affected by this sudden outbreak, physically or emotionally, it has spared not a soul! In these times, when the vaccine to tackle this virus is not yet laboratory-produced, the most reliable way to avoid getting infected is to take preventive measures. Medical and paramedical staff all over the world are in the front-lines fighting this virus (and other such viruses) and are of the view that people should take precautions, at all times, to stay safe against such deadly viral infection. Preventive Measures Against COVID-19  Viral Infection The health workers all around the world have come together on a single point, as told earlier. They are guiding everyone to take a specific set of steps to stay guarded against the coronavirus attack. Some of the most important and crucial measures are as follows: ●         Wa...